My story

Meet Neetikhosla

I have always been interested in alternative healing modalities. There was a time when I myself was popping in a lot of medicines. I was always keen on learning Reiki healing.
I was amazed by its power of healing distantly.
My extreme low point was the exact hitting time when I enrolled myself for Reiki course. Then on I never looked back. I started healing myself and then slowly the word spread. I have helped many people in different aspects of life.
The student in me never sat quite. I enrolled myself for Psychic Therapy course , Akashic Reading, Tarot Reading and learnt Hypnotherapy also. The power of subconscious mind is really amazing which is still a hidden fact.I am also a Past Life Regression Therapist which is a very interesting topic in itself. It is a master tool.
My motto - 1 Healer in every home.
Come ,lets heal ourself and make this planet a better place to live!
Let’s Grow!
Neeti Khosla- Your Spiritual Coach